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Resilient Coastal Forest of South Carolina

- Overcoming Challenges and Implementing Strategies for a Better Future
 Format: PDF  Series/Project: Resilient Coastal Forests  Author: GIC Inc.  State: South Carolina  Publisher: GIC Inc.  Published: 2022  Pages: 73  File Size: 6.2MB More Details  View/Download
RCF South Carolina Study Area
South Carolina Study Area. Click to Enlarge

This Resilient Coastal Forests (RCF) pilot study of coastal forests was designed to take a landscape-scale look at the challenges facing the Southeast’s coastal forests and to make suggestions as to what can be done. The study includes an assessment of coastal forest resources and assets, an analysis of the benefits forests provide, an evaluation of the various threats and their level of risk to coastal forests, local and state stakeholder interests, and recommended management strategies to mitigate or adapt to future impacts.

The study area for South Carolina is comprised of 4 counties in part (Berkeley, Charleston, Georgetown and Williamsburg), 1 city (Georgetown) and 3 towns (Andrews, Jamestown and McClellanville). The study area contains a mix of rural, suburban and urban land uses. The study area is bisected by the Santee River, with the vast majority of land south of the river under federal ownership within the Francis Marion National Forest. To the north of the Santee River is a mix of private commercial forestland and agriculture.

A fundamental objective of this study is to understand the nature of the threats that coastal forests experience, evaluate the extent and severity of those risks on the landscape and engage stakeholders to develop resource management strategies and actions to adapt to or mitigate the impacts of those threats.

Learn more on our Resilient Coastal Forests page

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