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Strategic Green Infrastructure Planning

- A Multi-Scale Approach
 Format: Ebook, Printed Book  Series/Project: Large Scale Landscapes, State Planning Guides  Author: Karen Firehock  Publisher: Island Press  Published: 2015  ISBN: 9781610916929  Pages: 160 More Details  Purchase

Strategic Green Infrastructure Planning addresses the nuts and bolts of planning and preserving natural assets at a variety of scales—from dense urban environments to scenic rural landscapes. A practical guide to creating effective and well-crafted plans and then implementing them, the book presents a six-step process developed and field-tested by the Green Infrastructure Center in Charlottesville, Virginia. Well-organized chapters explain how each step, from setting goals to implementing opportunities, can be applied to a variety of scenarios, customizable to the reader’s target geographical location. Chapters draw on a diverse group of case studies, from the arid open spaces of the Sonoran Desert to the streets of Jersey City. Abundant full color maps, photographs, and illustrations complement the text.

For planners, elected officials, developers, conservationists, and others interested in the creation and maintenance of open space lands and urban green infrastructure projects or promoting a healthy economy, this book offers a comprehensive yet flexible approach to conceiving, refining, and implementing successful projects.

80 photos, 67 illustrations.
Available in Paperback and Ebook.

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