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Apex Trees to Offset Stormwater

- Case Study 02, Apex, North Carolina
 Format: PDF  Series/Project: Trees and Stormwater  Author: GIC Inc.  State: North Carolina  Publisher: GIC Inc.  Published: 2018  Pages: 32  File Size: 6MB More Details  View/Download

This project, Trees to Offset Stormwater, is a study of Apex, North Carolina’s tree canopy and its role in taking up, storing and releasing water. This study was undertaken to assist Apex in evaluating how to better integrate trees into their stormwater management programs. More specifically, the study covers the role that trees play in stormwater management and shows how the town can benefit from tree conservation and replanting. It also evaluates ways for the town to improve forest management as the town develops.

Many localities have not evaluated their current tree canopy, which makes it difficult to track trends, assess losses or set goals to retain or restore canopy. As a result of this project, Apex now has baseline data against which to measure canopy protection progress, measure the stormwater and water quality
benefits of its urban forest, as well as to prioritize restoration of canopy where needed.

This report includes those findings and recommendations that are based on tree canopy cover mapping and analysis, the modeling of stormwater uptake by trees, a review of relevant town codes and ordinances, and citizen input and recommendations for the future of Apex.

This is one of 12 case study reports produced by GIC for the Trees to Offset Stormwater Project.
You can view the Summary Report here.
You can learn more about this project on our Trees and Stormwater page here.

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