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South Bay Tree Canopy Report

- An Analysis of Urban Forest Cover and Tree Equity Strategies
 Format: PDF  Series/Project: Urban Tree Canopy  Author: GIC Inc.  State: Florida  Publisher: GIC Inc.  Published: 2023  Pages: 10  File Size: 1MB More Details  View/Download

Trees are the city’s ‘green infrastructure.’ Just as we manage our grey infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, bridges and pipes), we also need to manage
our ‘green infrastructure’ (trees and other vegetation). The city’s green infrastructure provides many values that support a vibrant, safe and healthful
community. Trees add to a city’s historic character and enhance livability by filtering storm water and reducing runoff, cleaning the air, providing oxygen, shade, natural beauty and enhanced property values. Planting a tree to shade a home can save 50% of annual air conditioning costs and can soak up thousands of gallons of stormwater each year to reduce street flooding.

This report describes the tree canopy and associated benefits for the community of South Bay, Florida in Palm Beach County. The tree canopy assessment was created by the Green Infrastructure Center Inc. (GIC) and funded by Community Greening, a nonprofit grassroots tree planting and tree advocacy organization. GIC analyzed the city’s tree canopy extent and plantable open spaces along with a ranking scheme to prioritize the most equitable planting areas first. Next, the environmental benefits including air quality improvements and shade benefits provided by the city’s trees were analyzed.

This is one of 3 Tree Canopy reports produced for the “Glades” of Florida. You can view the others:
Belle Glade Tree Canopy Report
Pahokee Tree Canopy Report

To learn more about Urban Tree Canopy Assessments, see our Tree Planning and Planting Campaigns page.

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